Many things happened these weeks! I had to met with my teacher la. Naseb baek die xckp mcm2 kat mak aku. HAIH! -,-
Health? I don't know. I recently got nose bleed, and always felt like I'm going to faint. Now it's already 1 month for me having this cold. Payah btol -,-
Aku dpt call Khairi and Khaireen. MUEHEHE ;)
My igloo dah hancur da. Baboon btol, and today is actually supposed to be the first day of spring but it's still snowing!
UWAAA! Aku nak balek MALAYSIA! :(
Aku gile rindu kat JEJAN, SHEERA and HUMAIRA!
WAA! Aku nak jmpe KAJU! KHAIRI, FAHMI, and AZWAL! :(
Sorry dear, kau tepakse dgr aku.
I'm in love with Geun Suk!

until then
Atirah xoxo
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